
Take the Etrusco-Roman Wine Route, in the ancient lands of the Etruscans and Romans along the Tiber, is a real journey in the ancient and modern, looking for suggestions of landscape and close encounters with excellent wines and flavors of the Umbrian tradition.The route of the road, marked by a succession of cellars and wineries, which are inextricably linked to the historic, artistic and environmental, is naturally connected with the supply chain of traditional taste and certified by the oil production in Umbria DOP products organic farming, to those typical of the artistic.
There are two “front doors” available to travelers to gather information about services and products available along the road: the “Palazzo del Gusto” in Orvieto, a center of culture and culinary training hosted by the Province of Terni in the complex of San Giovanni in the medieval quarter of Orvieto, where he is attached to the Regional in exhibition and tasting wine with a comprehensive review of provincial and regional realities; Petrignani Amelia Palace, located in the historical heart of the city, which houses the School of Food. To taste an intense and aromatic wine, the mold, with golden yellow color.

Along the Strada del vino del Cantico to Perugia you can not miss, a visit to Todi, tasting the excellent Grechetto DOC and, in Torgiano – the home of San Giovese – the Wine Museum and the Olive and Oil Museum.

Water Springs. The numerous mineral springs of the area, already known by the Romans for their therapeutic properties, are a product of excellence synonymous with wealth and health. Among the most popular sources Sangemini that, in addition to water Sangemini, even the water bottle Fabia; Sources at Amerino Acquasparta and those of Tione, near Orvieto in Sugano, Panna bottled water.

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