Città di Castello is located in Umbria, in the province of Perugia. The main center of the upper Tiber valley is the bishopric of Diocese of Città di Castello. The city is distinguished by several factors such as its Renaissance architectural structure, its prestigious historical, religious and artistic heritage, geographical location, dialectical speech, but also influences and cultural ties with neighboring regions, Tuscany and the Marche. To visit in Città di Castello is definitely the Cathedral. The Cathedral was built between 1494 and 1529, in full Renaissance.


Citerna is located in the province of Perugia, in the Valtiberina Umbra and is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Of Etruscan origin, the city of Citerna was one of the fortified Byzantine fortifications built between the 6th and the 7th centuries against the Longobards of Arezzo, of which it later became a fief.
To visit Citerna is certainly the old town, enclosed inside the wall, between the XIII and the XIV century. Medieval walkways along the perimeter of the walls still retain the city’s history with perfectly preserved openings.


The Burri Foundation is set up in two exhibition venues: Palazzo Albizzini, building of the sec. XV and the former Tobacco Seccatoi, industrial building of the 1960s. Palazzo Albizzini (Via Albizzini No. 1) in twenty rooms, hosts an anthological collection of 130 works from 1948 to 1980, which are divided into painting, sculpture, scenography and sketches. The former Tobacco Seccatoi (via Francesco Pierucci) in the current exhibition area of about 12,000 square meters, houses the Great Cycles, sculptures and the new museum section, dedicated to the entire Graphic Opera of the Master. Reservations are required for groups.

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